Post by Agustus Leviothan on Dec 22, 2011 10:19:13 GMT -6
are they hoping to recover thier credit status so we can all be in more debt?
Post by Cain Da'arnesh on Dec 27, 2011 18:41:34 GMT -6
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the primary goal of this protest to get justice on the people who essentially ripped off 20% of the US economy and got away with it? They created artificial bubbles and acted out various forms of insurance fraud? I studied economics in college and I can tell you that bubbles always pop. But they have no reason to care as long as they're gone by the time everything comes collapsing in on itself. I lost my job because of this recession! I want justice! I hope those protestors tear it up!
Post by Voraxith on Dec 27, 2011 18:48:48 GMT -6
You know what I can't figure out about this whole mess? Why the fuck is there an "Occupy Boise" movement? WHY?!?!
Oh, and then there's this...
And that's my humble opinion on this subject, not that anyone asked. Now, back to my dragons...[glow=red,2,300] By His loathsome tentacles...[/glow]
Post by Cain Da'arnesh on Dec 28, 2011 10:19:26 GMT -6
It's that kind of propaganda that allows the 1% the power that they have! And those 20 year olds "giving everything?" Giving everything for what? LBJ was right on the money when he said, "American boys should not be doing what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves!" Or Middle Eastern boys as the case may be, but you get my point! Fuck that ad, and fuck the 1%! They ripped off 20% of our net worth, now why are they not in jail?
Post by Ramji on Dec 28, 2011 16:33:45 GMT -6
This protesting is, to me, pointless. It is opening people's eyes to just one of many problems. but turning their faces away from a solution. The OWS movement (and others like it) is creating an environment where people are contained, and with NDAA in act now, I shudder when I think of how easily the government could capture all of these people and get rid of them.
Post by ahariman6 on Dec 28, 2011 20:37:44 GMT -6
you should check out this video on youtube, it is titled "Abolish the Federal Reserve [Ralph Epperson].
Post by Voraxith on Dec 29, 2011 2:29:08 GMT -6
It's that kind of propaganda that allows the 1% the power that they have! And those 20 year olds "giving everything?" Giving everything for what? LBJ was right on the money when he said, "American boys should not be doing what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves!" Or Middle Eastern boys as the case may be, but you get my point! Fuck that ad, and fuck the 1%! They ripped off 20% of our net worth, now why are they not in jail? cain Da'arnesh:
I am confused as to how anyone ripped off any of "our" wealth? Did they steal into the night, break into "our" homes, and take 1/5th of "our" money? Are you referring to something I missed when I woke up yesterday?
I just don't understand the entire mindset behind the movement. Am I defending corporate America? Hell no. But do I believe that Wall Street has stolen anything from me? Again, no. In this country, we have a pretty established system of might makes right, and what you build you own. I feel that the vast majority of these protesters are people who want more than for what they have worked.
Do I want things to be handed to me? Of course! No one wants to work for anything -- it's what makes us machines and not gods. You do not see Cthulhu and Yog-Sothoth waving banners and marching down the streets demanding to be heard -- They kill those who oppose Them and take what They want. I see the protesters as little more than servants of the Lesser Gods of the Earth.
When I was a teenager, I was lazy and stole what I wanted from others without earning it. I went to juvie for it. Did I learn my lesson? No, because later I went to prison for something even more foolish. Now that I am a man who has developed maturity and wisdom, I understand that if I want, I must Work. What would a communist/socialist system of economics give us? These protesters are ranting that a small portion of civilians control the majority of the wealth, but what would happen if the government and military controlled the wealth? We'd get censored Internet and forbidden philosophies such as exist in North Korea and China.
You and all the other protesters have the right to build your own business, profit from it as much as possible, and become one of the 1% -- you just choose not to. Which is contrary to the entire ideal behind the Cult of Cthulhu, which is WORK. Do I believe that corporations and the super-rich deserve tax breaks? Absolutely not. That's just too much even for my taste. I believe that if there isn't going to be a flat tax, then the tax should be scaled in favor of the poor, not the other way around. Do I believe that a businessman should be lynched because he has been successful and earned himself a higher quality of living than the average 20 year old high school dropout? The answer should be fairly obvious.
However, you also have the right to protest and wave banners down the street, just as we all have the right to worship a great green tentacled monstrosity and post our own beliefs to the Internet. And those rights come from 20 year olds willing to put on a uniform and fire a rifle at those who wish to enforce their ideals onto us. Am I a right-wing conservative nut-job such as Sean Hannity or Bill O'Reilly? Absolutely not. I support Obama and fear whichever Republican candidate shall rise to oppose him. I guess I'm a liberal libertarian. I believe religion should be kept to oneself, not shoved down other people's throats, and that personal convictions and beliefs have no business in politics or tax-codes. I believe that all have a fair shot at building their own personal empire, and if some poor sucker isn't willing to read the fine print of a contract that will bankrupt them in 10 years, then that's his business, and the intelligent should be allowed to capitalize off of others' stupidity.
Cthulhu does not hold our hands and feed us manna from heaven -- why should the government do so with dollars? The Left Hand Path and the Cult of Cthulhu is about strength, not slavery. Why shackle yourself to a system dependent on the generosity of a higher power? Everyone is entitled to their beliefs and opinions regardless of who they are or where they are from. However, this nation has a pretty unique way of doing things, and it allows the common Joe to become one of the ultra elite 1% if he or she has the intelligence and tentacular fortitude to achieve it for themselves. There are a lot of other places in the world that do exactly what the Occupy Wall Street movement seems to want -- I suggest going to one of them if that is what you truly desire.
As far as your idea that those who serve in the military are being fed a line of super-rich propaganda bullshit, I can only wonder at where you derive this knowledge from. And your quoting of LBJ is quite humorous as it was he who kept America in Vietnam after the death of Kennedy. Certain powers located in the Middle East (and various other locations in the world) seek to do our country serious and grievous harm. They have made it quite clear that despite our desire for peaceful coexistence and the ability to aid each other in times of need, they wish to destroy our way of life and enslave us to their philosophies. Fine. That is what war is. And to fight a war, a military is needed. Do the spawn of Cthulhu give into propaganda when they fight against the Elder Race for the freedom of R'lyeh? I should hope no cultist thinks so, as we should all be a part of that particular army.
Every nation requires military defense, as all nations ultimately seek to dominate all others. America is an empire, make no doubt about that. We are an empire just as R'lyeh is an empire. The difference is that instead of a solitary figurehead as leads R'lyeh, we the people are the figurehead of America. Sure, sure, it sounds like sniveling patriotic gibberish, but in what other empire do the people have as much freedom and as many rights as do we? We have the right to voice our opinions to our elected officials regarding such controversial subjects as Wall Street, or abortion, or gay marriage, or SOPA, or NDAA. In other countries that possess the economic structure that the Occupy movement seems to desire, they would be imprisoned or killed simply for protesting. And try being a Cthulhu Cultist in China. Please, try. I would love to have a good laugh at that person's expense.
Ultimately, what I've been trying to say in my long-winded TL;DR kinda way, is that I respectfully disagree with you, and I hope that the majority of the Cult does as well, because if they don't, we are weaker than I had thought.[glow=red,2,300] Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn![/glow]
Post by sin on Dec 29, 2011 7:47:12 GMT -6
Post by sin on Dec 29, 2011 7:55:49 GMT -6
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the primary goal of this protest to get justice on the people who essentially ripped off 20% of the US economy and got away with it? They created artificial bubbles and acted out various forms of insurance fraud? I studied economics in college and I can tell you that bubbles always pop. But they have no reason to care as long as they're gone by the time everything comes collapsing in on itself. I lost my job because of this recession! I want justice! I hope those protestors tear it up! Corporations, much like individuals will take advantage of a loop-hole, when its available. This 'rip off' occurs every day, in every system. Assuming the lenders are solely responsible for our current economic state, lacks a wider lens to view the situation we are in.
There are *many* variables at work here. Anything from the 11 year long 'War on Terror' to the deficit in which the U.S. operates in as a matter of common practice.
To finger point blame at the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, The Banks, Evil Corporations, etc. is illogical and irrational. Each citizen has personal responsibility as well.
As mentioned in my earlier commentary, every dollar is a vote. When you make purchases, and earn 'profit' from your employer, what is it that you are voting for? Do you know? If you don't, what is stopping you from knowing?
How up-to-date are you on what your local Representative is voting in favor of/against in Congress?
This 'movement' is spreading more disinformation than useful information to keep Americans abreast of issues that are in the hands of the people to change.
Awake! CS
Post by sin on Dec 29, 2011 8:04:03 GMT -6
Ultimately, what I've been trying to say in my long-winded TL;DR kinda way, is that I respectfully disagree with you, and I hope that the majority of the Cult does as well, because if they don't, we are weaker than I had thought.[glow=red,2,300] Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn![/glow] I've been keeping a watchful eye over this movement from day one. I see that people want change, what change? Well, that depends on the person or group you talk to. I see a lot of people making noise, but with no real clear and concise direction it should be channeled. This movement has been reduced to a mouth-piece for the complainers. People who complain about their situation, but see no real way to change it, so they feel like they are accomplishing something by jumping in this merry band wagon.
This is how sleepers operate. The more self-aware individual isn't making noise, but instead is operating like the Sly Man, and actively taking steps to improve his situation. These steps may not be apparent to the rest of us. When his situation improves and he has real-world changes to point to, perhaps then it will be made apparent.
Post by sin on Dec 29, 2011 8:18:45 GMT -6
www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002988744682&sk=wall This is the link to the Occupy Movement in my area. This Friday, there will be a funeral procession for the Bill of Rights.
If you read through the comments on the FB group. You will see that protesters were charged with city ordinance violations, they feel were un-just. Anything from destruction of public property, to vandalism.
For some reason, the 'right to assemble' has been interpreted to mean: We ignore all local laws and ordinances because its OUR RIGHT.
Post by Cain Da'arnesh on Jan 3, 2012 20:10:48 GMT -6
They ripped off that money through fraudulent (and illegal) marketing strategies like "bulling the market" and the creation of "artificial bubbles" in order to make things appear more valuable than they are when they finally sold them and got way more than what they were worth. These are conniving criminals who should be brought to justice! Plain and simple! These were not "legal loop holes" Cora! Far worse! And they should pay for their crimes!
I should add that when those bubbles do pop (like they always do) and when the market returns to normality, it's usually worth a lot less than what it would have been had it not been "modified..." Another good reason why what these people did was illegal!
Post by Cain Da'arnesh on Jan 3, 2012 21:04:03 GMT -6
I should add that another method they used to make money was to freely give out mortgages to people who they knew couldn't pay their debts just so they would fail. In fact, my old mortgage company tried to fail my mortgage even though I repeatedly showed them that I was in fact paying my bills. Why would they do this you ask? So they could collect on the insurance they were paying in case these mortgages failed and in turn, make quick cash instead of being paid over the course of 30 years. This is what created the "housing bubble" in case you were curious...
I should also say that even if it is me vs. the cult, I don't care! I am adversarial and am fully prepared to defend my position!
Post by Cain Da'arnesh on Jan 3, 2012 21:07:39 GMT -6
Another thing submitted for your viewing pleasure. The Federal Reserve is in fact, a private entity that controls the production of our money in order to artificially create inflation for it's own profit. I will concur with you when you said that Wall Street isn't the only enemy here, but I believe our battles are probably best fought one at a time...
Post by sin on Jan 4, 2012 8:18:41 GMT -6
These were not "legal loop holes" Cora! Far worse! And they should pay for their crimes!
I did say, rip-offs occur all the time, in every system and are not limited to the corporations. Suffice to say, the consumer will take advantage of systems, and rip them off in far greater number than the corporations do.
All these 'crimes', are often like a domino effect.
Take for example something as simple as coupon fraud.
1. The corporation creates the coupon to stimulate the consumer to buy their product, by offering them a seemingly 'discounted' price. Their price may be higher than a generic brand of the same product. The marketing strategy is to impose on the consumer a 'deal' they can't resist.
2. The consumer uses the coupon in such a way, that the product ends up free, and the resaler is paying the consumer to buy it.
3. The employee at the check-out line doesn't catch it, because of the droning of how items are checked out, they pay little attention to the prices as they go, or the fact that they are paying the consumer money back.
4. The manager doesn't catch the employee's lack of diligence in price checking, and ensuring that the bottom line is - the resaler profits.
5. The corporation then, has to figure out how these losses keep occurring, and they are losing money every day in upward of millions of dollars - which could bankrupt the company, and by proxy lay-off thousands of employees.
6. The corporation instead, will try to make-up for losses by any means necessary, just as the consumer will make up for the consumer need outweighing the consumer's income.
You follow?
see this article: yesiamcheap.com/2011/05/coupon-industry-fights-illegal-extreme-couponing/
Post by Cain Da'arnesh on Jan 5, 2012 13:13:18 GMT -6
So "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!" I take it? You may have a point Cora, but the fact of the matter is that these rich bastards essentially control the economy to the point where their greed has a choke hold on us all! Like a fellow from New Zealand once said to me, "You Americans are so strange? You rant and rave about equality and yet your economic system is perhaps one of the most unequal in the second world?" I just replied, "I didn't design it so much as I have to deal with the associated bullshit. Like I used to say to my old boss, I don't know man? It was like this when I got here! Meaning the night crew wasn't quite as good as me... Of course, that's indicative of everyone not doing their part!" He gave me that one I should add...
Post by sin on Jan 6, 2012 15:17:14 GMT -6
So "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!" I take it? You may have a point Cora, but the fact of the matter is that these rich bastards essentially control the economy to the point where their greed has a choke hold on us all! Like a fellow from New Zealand once said to me, "You Americans are so strange? You rant and rave about equality and yet your economic system is perhaps one of the most unequal in the second world?" I just replied, "I didn't design it so much as I have to deal with the associated bullshit. Like I used to say to my old boss, I don't know man? It was like this when I got here! Meaning the night crew wasn't quite as good as me... Of course, that's indicative of everyone not doing their part!" He gave me that one I should add... Those 'rich bastards' stimulate the economy, who do you think provides those jobs? Makes huge donations? Yes, there is corruption in every system, always has been and always will be until the essence of humanity changes, and *this* is what we should be working towards on an individual basis, with the hope that it will resonate with others by demonstrated example.
Bitching does nothing but airs grievances (of which some may be invalid). Instead, why not do something more proactive yourself?
People like to finger point, and find someone to blame. The state of our economy is due to various scenarios having been played out, its not just one simple issue - its' not black and white.
Post by Cain Da'arnesh on Jan 6, 2012 15:57:46 GMT -6
That's one area where I disagree. The people create jobs vicariously through making purchases with their money. The rich do not create jobs... Also however, finger pointing gets us nowhere except in instances where actual problems are detailed so that solutions may be found. The first step to solving any problem is bringing it to the forefront so that it may be addressed and that's one thing I believe this is accomplishing. And you're right in that no system, including the one I myself advocate is devoid of corruption. Whatever system we use will never be perfect for we are all human. While perfection itself is unattainable, we can continually get closer to it much in the same way a mathematical parabol may continuously get closer to zero. (But never touches it!)
Yes we should set a good example, but that example is worthless unless other people take note. For this reason, I believe the protests may work to bring attention to us and our cause. That's why I say if any of us are in the area, by all means, represent!
Post by Cain Da'arnesh on Jan 6, 2012 21:32:53 GMT -6
I should add that regardless of where you lie on the fence of producers vs. creators, Wall Street employs no one and produces nothing. These are just people who use money to create more money. So we can certainly do without them as they are only holding money that would do much good elsewhere. That's where I believe taxes can come into play!
Post by sin on Jan 7, 2012 14:55:24 GMT -6
I should add that regardless of where you lie on the fence of producers vs. creators, Wall Street employs no one and produces nothing. These are just people who use money to create more money. So we can certainly do without them as they are only holding money that would do much good elsewhere. That's where I believe taxes can come into play! It sounds as if you don't understand the role of Wall Street in our economy. To say it produces nothing and employs noone sounds ignorant.
We need not agree on every aspect of this discussion. I'm merely offering a different perspective to consider.
Post by Cain Da'arnesh on Jan 15, 2012 17:21:53 GMT -6
Got something else for your viewing pleasure here... churchandstate.org.uk/2011/10/how-christian-fundamentalism-helped-empower-the-top-1/Personally, I feel that a friend of mine from New Zealand put it best, "You Americans are so strange? You talk about equality and common sense and yet you have the most unequal economic systems in the world!" I think he's right on the money! They practically bought our government with their money and now they use their money just to make more money! They do not contribute and I feel they are expendable! This kind of backsliding has been a long time coming and was put in place since before I was even born! Yes this is class warfare as many have noted and I don't think there's anything wrong with that... When these people say things against the occupy movement, I feel they never make good points and only attempt to stifle what has been a long time coming! There's a very good reason even now I'm considering moving to Germany and I'm going to watch intently to see what happens when the dust settles... Make no mistake! I'm not against capitalism. But I'm for fair capitalism and that flew out the window ages ago!
Post by Cain Da'arnesh on Jan 18, 2012 19:05:55 GMT -6
Like I've said in the past, TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH DO NOT CREATE JOBS! They should cut the taxes of the lower and middle class to put more money in their pockets as money is one of those things that tends to go uphill...
Post by boksmutant on Jan 20, 2012 19:00:58 GMT -6
Now even though I'm a Occupier, I wanted to mostly just make sound effects. Should be entertaining. Enjoy.